Getting real with Chris Tiu

He is one of the most recognizable faces in the country today. Rising from basketball superstardom, Chris Tiu is one of the most sought-after young men of his time, on and off the court. We caught up with Chris for a brief interview with Young Star. Excerpts:

YOUNG STAR: If you could wine and dine any girl anywhere in the world for one night, who would it be and where would you take her?

CHRIS TIU: Of course, it would be either my mother or my girlfriend. I’d take her to Europe, maybe somewhere in Italy or France.

Describe a date you regret the most.

We went to watch the Pussycat Dolls concert at Mall of Asia and instead of enjoying the show, I was harassed and stressed out because of the rowdy bystanders. I didn’t come prepared.

What do people say about you that is simply untrue?

That I am a serious person.

What’s the one thing about you that people don’t know?

I don’t eat mangoes.

What’s the most intriguing thing about you?

You tell me! (Smiles.)

What keeps you going?

My purpose in life.

What are you craving for right now?

A getaway where I can have a quiet vacation with delicious food and cool weather.

What’s your favorite word?

Thank you!

What does being a celebrity mean to you?

It’s about displaying your God-given talents — arts, music, sports, intellect, etc. — for a greater and noble purpose. Being God’s instrument in spreading the Gospel values.

How do you handle being a celebrity?

I don’t really feel the difference. I guess I just have to be patient when taking pictures or signing autographs or when people want to talk to me. But otherwise, it’s pretty much the same.

If you weren’t a celebrity, what do you think would you be?

A full-time businessman.

How did you become a Hanford endorser?

I was invited by the Hanford team to join their family and I willingly accepted it because I’ve been a Hanford user ever since I was a kid and the members of the Hanford team are such great people. I know I’m in good hands.

What’s your favorite Hanford line?

Hanford Ice.

Who among the other Hanford endorsers are you closest to?

Kirk Long.

Describe your fashion style.

Sporty. But anything comfortable and neat will do.

What do you usually wear on an ordinary day?

It depends on what I have lined up for the day. I can be in office attire, in gimik attire, in casual attire or in basketball attire.

What’s the most expensive thing you’ve ever bought for yourself? Are you a big spender?

Most expensive? A golf share. I love playing golf and I believe it’s a good investment, not necessarily financially but because I know I’ll be playing a lot of golf as I get older. I’m not really a big spender. I’m a wise spender.

Define success.

When you’ve become detached from worldly pleasures and you’re truly happy with your life.

What’s your secret to success?

Have faith in God, work hard, and play fair.

Why do you think your career will last?

I don’t know. It’s up to Him. I’ll just do my part.

What’s next for you?

I’ll continue to play basketball for the National Team, do TV hosting and some business.

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