The joy of being a grandparent

So who’s afraid of becoming a grandparent?
We dread being called lolo, lola, grandma and grandpa – because this would be an affirmation that we are old. Times have changed. These days, being a grandparent is enjoyed and celebrated.

Grandparents have been seen dancing with their grandchildren in Orange, listening to the hottest bands play at Dish, or simply taking a stroll with the kiddies at the mall. Being a grandparent is heaven on earth because every little word, smile and hug from the grandchildren will make you forget all your worries.

To all grandparents out there, Happy Grandparents’ Day and a big thank you for everything!

Bebot Teves Laurel,
businesswoman: I enjoy being a grandparent. It’s like being in heaven. One lesson I’d like to pass on to my grandchild and future grandchildren is that nothing in this world is impossible if you have perseverance and dedication, and if you put God before everything.

Larry M. Henares Jr.,
TV host, columnist: The joy of being a grandparent is the privilege of spoiling the grandchildren without having to suffer the consequences. All the basic instincts of wanting to love them extravagantly and to indulge their every desire without limit – which we dared not do for our own children – can now be given free rein with impunity. Even better, once we can no longer tolerate their behavior – especially the noise and mayhem they generate – we just pack them off back to their house, for their parents to suffer and endure.

The son of Governor Mario Cuomo was once asked by TV interviewer Larry King where he got the breadth and depth of his knowledge and the brilliance and eloquence with which he communicated it. The man answered: "I owe all that I am to the fact that up to the age of 30, I had four grandparents to talk to."

Indeed more than the parents, who spend most of their time and energy building their careers and finances, we grandparents have all the time and energy to pass on our knowledge, wisdom and experience to the younger generation. In the limited time remaining to us, we want to leave part of ourselves behind, to perpetuate and immortalize our own existence. If only the young will listen. If only they will take a little time off for us, we can put the fruits of our and our own grandparents’ lifetimes into their minds and hearts.

Someday I hope to come upon my grandchildren, brooding upon some misdeed or problem, and be able to tell their gently, "Please remember that nothing you could ever do, however evil or shameful, can ever make me love you less. So if you have any problem, tell me about it. I will never berate you and say I told you so. My only concern is how to set it right and prevent it from ever happening again."
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Donato and Emma Pangilinan, parents of celebrities: Our joy comes from the love of our grandchildren, their hugs and kisses, their smiles and laughter, their stories, songs and dances. They remind me of my children when they were still small. They demonstrate the talents of their parents – like they are very good in drawing and painting. They also make us happy with simple gifts which they’ve made with their own little hands. They are very creative and they are prayerful. Even if they are still young, they are very close to God and our family.

Lessons we have passed on to our grandchildren are love of God and family, love of the poor, patience, kindness and sharing to all.

Chari Bagatsing,
housewife: One of the joys of being a grandparent is cuddling babies all over again – and this time without the responsibility of disciplining them – but just being there for your grandchildren and for your children, too.

You also love seeing your grandchildren’s mannerisms, gestures, and seeing who your grandchildren look like. Plus the joy of hearing small feet running around the house – with no pressures this time.

There are plenty of lessons I would like to pass on to my grandchildren – but above all, it is to be spiritual, to be close to the hearts of Jesus and Mary. I would like them to know how loving God is and to trust in Him. From spirituality come their values in life.

Rep. Manuel Ortega,
1st District, La Union: When I look at each of my grandchildren, I cannot help but smile and remember my children when they were young. This makes me cherish the fact that my wife Denny and I are so lucky to have had wonderful and loving children and children-in-law.

I come from a big family – 14 brothers and sisters who are all alive. Any parent will agree that it’s no joke to bring up 15 children! I have always admired the way my late father and mother brought us all up. They taught me and my siblings life’s greatest lessons which I want my children, grandchildren and my future grandchildren to learn as well. These are: One, establish unity in the family and help one another. Two, never stab each other in the back because of power and money. Three, obey your parents.

Johnny Litton,
TV host, columnist: There are many joys of being a grandparent. One of them is the luxury of showering the grandchildren with love, affection and, yes, material things and leaving it to the parents to discipline them. Previously, as parents, we had to discipline the children. As grandparents, we don’t have to worry about that. We leave it to the parents.

One lesson I would like to pass on to my grandchildren is that good education is irreplaceable. It is one of the few things in life that can never be taken away. Jewelry and other material things can be stolen, but a good solid education is yours forever.

Criselda R. Lontok,
designer: The word grandma used to give me the creeps. I was too vain to be called one but when my first grandchild Isabella was born, I have forgotten my vanity. Of course, I refused to be called lola and instead, chose a more glamorous term which is Mamita. Like all grandparents, I became so "cho-cha" not only to Isabella but to all my other grandchildren, namely Francis, Sophia, Carlo and the youngest of them all – Alessandra. One kiss from them seems to send me to the highest heavens especially when it is preceded by those three little words, "I love you."

Although Sophia is 10,000 miles away from me, she never tires of talking and even singing to me on the phone. Boy! How she loves to sing just like her dad Jon. Isabella, on the other hand, has such wonderful stories like what she wished for her younger sister on her birthday. While the other kids gave the usual felicitations, she wished Alessandra a good life protected by God! Isn’t that amazing coming from a five-year-old?

In contrast to the girls who love clothes as much as I do, the boys never fail to delight me with their antics.

Children are easily influenced by what they see or hear. Luckily, my children have set good examples to their children. On my part, I try to instill in their minds moral values I have learned from my parents, especially my mother. First and foremost is love for the Lord and Mama Mary, respect for elders whether rich or poor and the basic observance of the golden rule.

In a nutshell, my life has been enriched by the joys I have received from my grandchildren.

Babygirl Baluyut Fricke,
managing director, Artemis: The joy of being a grandparent? It’s loving and enjoying one’s grandchild with no thought of responsibility. The lessons I want them to learn are: One, believe in yourself. Two, be true to yourself. Three, have courage. Stand up for what you believe is true, just and fair, regardless of what others may think or say. These are the things I taught my children and God willing, if I’m still around, I shall teach them to my grandchildren.

FF Cruz Sr.,
businessman: Grandparents are proud of their grandchildren because they are the dividends derived from their children. The virtues I want to impart to my grandchildren are honesty and humility.

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