This super fruit is berry good for the health

MANILA, Philippines - Did you know that weight (overweight and obesity) is directly proportional to an individual becoming highly at risk of developing heart disease, inflammatory disorders like gout, arthritis, stroke, even cancer? All of these conditions correspond to an oxidative stress, which is caused by an imbalance between the generation of free radical species and the activity of antioxidant defense mechanism that plays a major role behind the risk of developing such diseases associated with obesity.

In a recent study done at the UCLA School of Medicine, California, USA on the effects of acai berry preparation on metabolic parameters in an overweight population, results showed a remarkable improvement in the levels of total cholesterol, LDL, HDL, and total cholesterol ratio, as well as a reduction in fasting insulin levels following the 30-day treatment using acai berry.

Food sources such as fruits and vegetables are known to increase plasma antioxidant capacity in the body. The super fruit acai berry  (Euterpe oleracea) is native to South America. The remarkable concentration of antioxidant in Organique Acai contains 10 times the anthocyanins (a potent antioxidant) of red wine  (per volume). Anthocyanins are phytochemicals that offer strong protective benefits to the cardiovascular system, digestive organs, brain, blood, as well as the rest of the tissues and cells of the body. Organique Acai also exhibits strong anti-inflammatory and anti-aging properties.

According to USDA  (United States Department of Agriculture), acai berry has the highest total ORAC (oxygen radical absorbance capacity) value among other common selected fruits and vegetables. ORAC is an index that gauges the  antioxidant capacity of a substance to  neutralize the free radicals in the body that damage the cells.

You may eat multiple servings of fruits and vegetables to counteract the effects of environmental toxins. However, your body’s immune system simply can’t produce enough antioxidants to defend, buffer, and protect it against the onslaught of free radicals.  

Organique Acai has 3,800 ORAC value per 1,000mg and contains a full array of natural vitamins (B1, B2, B3,  C, E); minerals (potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus); essential amino acids (phenylalanine, proline, glycine, and more);  essential fatty acids (similar to olive oil); omega fats; protein; and natural dietary fiber, making a potent combination that contains 14,753mg per 30mL/serving that the body  must take daily to be better armed to combat the daily stresses, toxins, pollutants, free radicals surrounding us.

Along with the antioxidant properties and the essential nutrients found in Organique Acai, this super food and super fruit helps promote the goal of weight management and balance in a natural healthy way by increasing the metabolism of the body, providing healthy energy and stamina, and supporting the process of cleansing and detoxification, especially the digestive and liver function for a healthy endocrine, cardiovascular, and immune system.

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