Star Dream Girl: Clarice Villareal

She could be mistaken for an upcoming model. But more than her striking looks, she is also Morrie from Tuesdays with Morrie, except for the tragic ending. Twenty-two-year-old Clarice Villareal is a modern teacher to her students at the University of Sto. Tomas (UST) High School, trying to bridge the gap between traditional and modern approaches to teaching.

Standing 5’5", Clarice has a Bachelor’s degree in Secondary Education, Major in English, also from the UST.

Clarice, who teaches English and Literature, says teaching gives her enough reason to feel happy and fulfilled this early in her life.

"I would meet students of varied personalities, expectations and wants," says Clarice. "As a teacher, the challenge is to make them learn and appreciate education, despite psychological and emotional situations."

With the best of intentions, Clarice has never failed to meet her goals. Clarice says, "Patience is a virtue in this profession. If I don’t have it, I should have given up long before."

Being a good teacher, believes Clarice, is not all about commitment to one’s work, but aiming for competence and excellence. Thus, Clarice plans to finish her M.A. in English and eventually put up her own school, specializing in early education.

In her spare time, Clarice writes poems, sketches human forms and faces and bakes pastries. Clarice also enjoys shopping.

Clarice considers an out-of-town trip with her closest friends the best way to unwind and forget her cares.

"Knowing one’s priorities and interests is one step forward to success," ends Clarice. "Like what I told my students, ‘There’s nothing wrong in committing mistakes, for as long as you learn from them’." –Jerry Donato

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