Hontiveros to Duterte: Don't cover for Quiboloy, help authorities instead

President Rodrigo Roa Duterte discusses matters during his guesting in the show "Give Us This Day" hosted by Kingdom of Jesus Christ founder and lead pastor, Apollo C. Quiboloy, at the Sonshine Media Network International (SMNI) Studio in Davao City on June 7, 2019.

MANILA, Philippines — Instead of covering up for his friend, former president Rodrigo Duterte should help government authorities track down Apollo Quiboloy, who is the subject of warrants of arrest from the court and the Senate, Sen. Risa Hontiveros said on Tuesday.

Hontiveros, who chairs the Senate committee on women and children investigating allegations against Quiboloy, urged Duterte not to cover up for the  Kingdom of Jesus Christ (KOJC) founder.

“Duterte should stop covering up for Quiboloy. He should just help track down where his friend is,” Hontiveros said.

Authorities reported that Quiboloy evaded arrest last Monday after armed police personnel stormed the KOJC compound in Barangay Buhangin, Davao City and did not find him there.

Throngs of Quiboloy’s supporters formed a barricade outside the compound and reportedly made it difficult for law enforcement authorities to enter and search the grounds.

“There may have been a breakdown in PNP (Philippine National Police) intelligence gathering. I said so the moment the PNP failed to locate Quiboloy’s whereabouts after the issuance of several warrants of arrest several months ago,” the senator said.

“I am again calling on the PNP leadership to ensure that none of our officers are being influenced by Quiboloy or any of his allies, particularly former president Duterte. I trust that more of our men and women in uniform are also doing all they can to bring Quiboloy to justice,” she added.

Hontiveros called on Quiboloy to surrender and face his church’s former members who are accusing him of abuses.

“And for Quiboloy, give up. Cooperate with our law enforcers for once. Deal with the charges and accusations. You have nowhere to hide,” Hontiveros said.

Sen. Robinhood Padilla described as an eyesore the recent raid of Quiboloy’s place.

“I hope there will be a better treatment on this case because it will really come down to this. That’s what’s sad because it’s not good to see that it’s happening in a place that we know people worship, people in uniform enter, it’s a bit painful to see,” Padilla said.

He suggested that Quiboloy’s case be diplomatically resolved.

“Maybe it can be done through diplomacy. I don’t know why Filipinos are so hot now. Let’s just relax. Because you know that there are things that can be gained in the conversation, we have to go through the conversation. Let’s not be too violent, Let’s not be too hot-headed. Let’s just relax, especially nowadays when the whole world is hot-headed. Let’s not go with the flow,” he said. — Janvic Mateo, Jose Rodel Clapano, Neil Jayson Servallos, Cecille Suerte Felipe, Artmeio Dumlao

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