Eat fruits, veggies this Christmas – DOH

MANILA, Philippines - Government health experts yesterday reminded the public to eat fruits and vegetables this Christmas.

In an advisory, the Department of Health (DOH) stressed the need to prepare a healthy feast, along with the traditional ham and queso de bola, during the holiday celebrations to avoid diseases.

Health experts said eating only fatty foods is unhealthy.

The DOH further advised the public to eat in moderation even if there are lots of food on the table.

To facilitate excretion, the public is advised to drink plenty of water.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), meanwhile, advised the public to ensure proper preparation of food during the holidays.

The FDA said outbreaks of food-borne diseases are usually caused by eating mass-produced food that was not cooked, stored, or handled properly. 

Those in charge of food preparation should always wash their hands thoroughly for at least 20 seconds at a designated sink, the agency said.

The kitchen must also be kept hygienic and protected against insects, pests, and other animals, while clean utensils and sanitized surfaces and equipment should always be used for food preparation, it added.

The FDA said raw food must always be separated from cooked food to avoid cross-contamination.

“Dangerous microorganisms from raw foods may be transferred onto other foods during preparation and storage,” it said.


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