Enrile: I’m still with UNA

MANILA, Philippines - Sen. Juan Ponce Enrile yesterday reiterated he remains a member of the United Nationalist Alliance (UNA), the political party supporting the presidential bid of Vice President Jejomar Binay next year.

Enrile said he is ready to talk with Binay anytime about the possible plans for the UNA.

“We are not going to talk about possibilities. We are going to talk about reality and I have not talked to them yet… I am a member of a political party. If they consult me, I will give my thoughts. If not, I keep quiet,” Enrile said.

“I have not resigned. I don’t know that I’ve resigned or that they’ve fired me,” he added when asked if he continues to be part of UNA, the political group that he formed with Binay and Manila Mayor Joseph Estrada.

While he mentioned the other day that he is no longer a politician, Enrile clarified his priority now is more of what he can do for his country.

“I do not play politics in the performance of my job. This time I devote my few and short time in the service of country,” he said.

Two days since he returned to attend plenary sessions, Enrile also manifested sharpness and full grasp of legislative proceedings as he notified the Senate leadership that the Senate minority, which he leads, will be questioning the quorum, especially during discussions on major and important legislation.

The 91-year-old lawmaker was more relaxed talking to members of the Senate media yesterday, taking a few minutes to read the book of American diplomat and political scientist Henry Kissinger.

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