Carandang quits Malacañang

Ricky Carandang

MANILA, Philippines - Malacañang announced yesterday the resignation of Ricky Carandang as secretary of the Presidential Communications Development and Strategic Planning Office (PCDSPO) effective Dec. 31.

Presidential spokesman Edwin Lacierda said President Aquino accepted Carandang’s resignation yesterday.

“Secretary Carandang thanked the President for the chance to serve the administration and the country. The President also thanked him for his service to the country,” he told a news briefing.

Lacierda said Carandang’s “term of service came during the eventful first half of the Aquino presidency, where he worked behind the scenes and before the cameras to do his part to communicate the President’s message.”

Carandang headed the PCDSPO, which was also in charge of the President’s speeches, for three years.

Lacierda said Undersecretary Manuel Quezon III, being the next most senior official of the PCDSPO, will oversee the office’s operations.

He said Carandang will “return to the private sector after a short and well-deserved vacation.” 

When asked what made the former broadcast journalist leave government, Lacierda said, “He just mentioned that he believes that he has done his job, that he would like to return to the private sector and that he will wander to the ends of the earth seeking wisdom.“

Carandang, Lacierda and Quezon were identified with the so-called “Balay” faction in the Aquino administration led by Interior Secretary Mar Roxas.

“I’m very sad with his departure actually... I’ve known Ricky before we entered government. So I’ve known him as a good friend; I’ve known him as a very competent reporter when he was in the private sector,” Lacierda said.

“I’ve known him to be a very able and a very strategic thinker in government and so, it’s really sad that he’s leaving. But his desire to return to private sector was something he felt is the right time to do,” he added.   

He said Carandang has done a “commendable job” even though he is rarely seen in public, as he usually works behind the scenes.  

Spokesman till 2016

Meanwhile, Lacierda said he would serve as presidential spokesman until Aquino steps down in June 2016.

“I will return to the private sector in 2016. That’s the most definite date I can give you,” he said.



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