Tragedies should be wake-up call for voters

MANILA, Philippines - Malacañang believes tragedies like typhoon “Pablo” is a wake up call for citizens to use the power of their votes to choose the right local officials.

Deputy presidential spokesperson Abigail Valte said it was not for Malacañang to discuss what the administration or the ruling Liberal Party (LP) would do to help ensure that those voted into office were qualified to govern.

There have been a lot of criticisms against the kind of planning and preparations that the local government units are doing in times of natural calamities.

Illegal logging and mining have also been blamed when catastrophes happen.

“It’s still with the voters. If you see how your municipality is being run and you are hit (by a typhoon) and you are not happy with the response, your vote is the best way to express how you feel about your leaders,” Valte said.

“So please go out (and) use your vote to show either your dissatisfaction or, are you satisfied? Please use your vote,” she said.

Valte said it would be entirely up to the LP to discuss the kind of candidates they would carry in the coming May 2013 elections.


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