Llamas says Corona diverting real impeachment issue

MANILA, Philippines - Presidential Adviser on Political Affairs Ronald Llamas yesterday hinted that Chief Justice Renato Corona might have been desperate when he dragged his name into the impeachment trial.

“Corona is just looking for someone else to blame. What he refuses to accept is that he stands on the brink of conviction, and possibly further prosecution, because of his own actions,” Llamas said.

He denied insinuations of a conspiracy against Corona. 

“While I suppose I should be flattered that he attributed so much influence to me – which is so untrue – the obvious motivation behind the statement is to once again attribute the dire straits he finds himself in to a supposed conspiracy,” Llamas observed.

Deputy presidential spokesperson Abigail Valte said Corona should return to the witness stand and allow himself to be cross-examined so that the truth, and not just his own version, would come out.

“We remain firm that Corona failed to controvert the evidence against him in his opening speech. Nonetheless, we will wait if he submits himself to cross-examination so the truth will come out,” Valte said.               

“In the spirit of transparency and accountability, the Chief Justice should allow himself to be cross examined.”

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