337 M people injured on the job annually - ILO

MANILA, Philippines - An estimated 337 million people are injured each year while on the job and some 2 million die from occupational illnesses, the United Nations International Labor Organization (ILO) said yesterday.  

The ILO said that safety measures must be implemented in workplaces to make employees productive.                         

ILO director general Juan Somavia said many accidents, illnesses and deaths could be prevented with appropriate measures.      

He said putting in place such measures shows respect for human dignity.

“Given the importance of prevention and the financial and human resource constraints of many countries, occupational safety and health is a critical area for new cooperation initiatives including South-South and triangular cooperation initiatives,” Somavia said.

He also noted that new technologies that spawn new occupations – especially those dealing with chemicals and bio-technologies – pose a new challenge for the establishment of safety measures in the workplace.

“So too are psychosocial risks as workers deal with the pressures of modern working life, exacerbated in times of economic crisis. This complex situation has an adverse impact on human lives, health-care costs and on economic performance,” Somavia said.

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