Bishop bucks expansion of grounds for annulment

MANILA, Philippines - Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines-National Appellate Matrimonial Tribunal (CBCP-NAMT) judicial vicar Archbishop Oscar Cruz yesterday said he believes that if House Bill 3952 titled “An Act Recognizing Spousal Violence, Infidelity and Abandonment as Presumptive Psychological Incapacity Constituting a Ground for the Annulment of Marriage” would be passed, the sanctity of marriage will be diluted. 

Cruz, formerly a CBCP president and the emeritus archbishop of the Lingayen-Dagupan archdiocese, also said that the proposed legislation would benefit more those belonging to the middle and the upper class of society and not really those classified as poor since many of the marginalized do not enter into marriage but engage in live-in relationships.

“I do not see the reason for filing the bill to help the poor secure ‘annulment decision’ because we have accepted in the Philippines that most of the so-called poor people either just live together then separate later. They are not annulment seekers. So, there’s no rhyme or reason for a quicker and cheaper annulment process because of the poor. To me it does not hold water,” Cruz said.

He added that the proposal is vague as it does not say how many times a person can avail of annulment.

“It did not say if, for instance, the annulment of a couple is granted, would they be allowed to remarry,” he said.

When asked if he would take steps to counter the bill proposed by Bayan Muna Rep. Neri Colmenares, Cruz said, “I, personally, would not move to counter the bill” and neither would he take the initiative to set up a meeting with the proponents.

The Church official, however, is willing to meet with the legislators, should they seek his opinion.

He also expressed optimism that the bill would not prosper in Congress.

“Honestly, I think there would be objections to this. I am certain some legislators whose legal mind and value system remain intact (would oppose) because the poor are the ones who do not need this.”

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