‘Politicians will only feast on Vicky Toh’

You could call her the piece de resistance.

Politicians will only feast on private citizen Victoria Toh once she comes home from Canada, Toh’s lawyer Gelacio Mamaril said yesterday.

"They will just feast on her in aid of their political ambitions," Mamaril said when sought for comment regarding the challenge issued by Sen. Sergio Osmeña III that Toh come home and face the allegations hurled against her by opposition Sen. Panfilo Lacson.

Mamaril said statements by seven banks of the non-existence of the bank accounts that Lacson said Toh and her relatives maintained as dummies of First Gentleman Jose Miguel Arroyo was proof enough of his client’s innocence.

"Before anything else, they have to prove that they have a case against her. As it is now, the banks’ confirmation of the non-existence of the dummy accounts are topping the allegations of Senator Lacson," Mamaril said.

He said he received yesterday a certification from Metrobank senior vice president and chief legal counsel Angelica Hernandez verifying the non-existence of the Thomas Toh account that was in the list of dummy bank accounts enumerated by Lacson.

"My client and I are only sticking to the issues," Mamaril said. "We know there are no bank accounts as alleged by Senator Lacson."

The lawyer also challenged Osmeña to show proof that Toh recently bought an $850,000 house in Canada. "If the senator can show us the title and pertinent papers, then that’s when my client can be forced to come home. While no evidence is shown, then they should stop all this," Mamaril said.

Last week, Mamaril said he had advised Toh to come home immediately so she can file criminal charges against Lacson for maligning her when the opposition senator alleged she had an extramarital relationship with the First Gentleman and allowed herself to be used as a dummy for Mr. Arroyo’s alleged money laundering activities.

Mamaril said Toh has had to extend her stay in Canada upon the advice of her doctors. Toh is emotionally distressed and in need of rest, he said. She has admitted to taking medication for her condition.

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