Recipe: Salted Chocolate Panna Cotta by Chef Eugene Raymundo

Salted Chocolate Panna Cotta

MANILA, Philippines — Salted Caramel has been a favorite flavor in cakes, ice cream, cookies, and other desserts and sweet confections in recent years.

This is because the interplay of salty and sweet on the palate is the ultimate flavor bomb. Simply marvelous. Simple flavors that become complex when combined. Familiar yet incredibly new. Classic yet contemporary.

Over time, however, it may lose its novelty. So Chef Eugene Raymundo adds another flavor dimension to Salted Caramel by combining it with chocolate in a recipe he developed for Alaska. It is called Salted Chocolate Panna Cotta, and it’s absolutely good.   

Salted Chocolate Panna Cotta


1 1/2 tsps. unflavored gelatin

2/3 cup water

3/4 cup Alaska Crema

1 cup Alaska Classic Evaporated Milk

2 1/2 Tbsps. sugar

1/4 cup Alaska Crema

1/2 cup Alaska Classic Evaporated Milk

1/2 cup chopped chocolate (or any chocolate bar of your choice)

1/8 tsp. salt

1/4 cup chopped pretzels

2 Tbsps. chopped caramel chews

2 Tbsps. chopped chocolate


1. Place water in a sauce pan and sprinkle gelatin into the pan. Let it bloom for a few minutes.

2. Add in 3/4 cup Alaska Crema, 1 cup Alaska Classic Evaporated Milk, and sugar. Cook over medium heat until gelatin is totally dissolved. Pour equally into 4 serving dishes and chill until set.

3. Using the same pan, cook 1/4 cup Alaska Crema and 1/2 cup Alaska Classic Evaporated Milk over medium heat. Remove from heat and add in chocolate and salt. Gently mix until chocolate is totally melted. Let cool for a few minutes and pour over set panna cotta.

4. Top with chopped pretzels, caramel chews and chopped chocolate.

5. For a more festive feel, pump a rosette of Alaska Crema Whipped Cream on top and garnish with a whole pretzel. Serve cold.

Serves 4.

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