Summertime in Ricky Reyes show

MANILA, Philippines - It’s summertime in Gandang Ricky Reyes Todo Na Toh (GRR-TNT) today at 9 a.m. More health and beauty tips this hot season will be featured.

GRR-TNT mascot Chikadora takes you to the Divisoria shopping area where you can find summer gears, outfits and other stuff at affordable prizes.

Ricky Reyes recommends some tanning and protective skin lotions to avoid heat stroke and sunburn.

Two succulent and sweet fruits turned into organic food supplements will be introduced. These are Acai Berry from America and Mangostana (or mangosteen) grown in the Visayan Region.

The juice extracted from Acai makes delicious, refreshing and healthy drink. No wonder it is popular in countries with sizzling summer weather like the Philippines.

 Mangostana comes in capsule, coffee and tea forms known as MX3 Plus that also makes you trim and fit.

Vacationists in the Golden Sunset Resort, Hotel and Spa known as the beauty guru’s paradise and sanctuary were treated to a grand Holy Week of rituals and festivities — the Stations of the Cross, Bisita Iglesia, Pabasa, Good Friday procession, Salubong and Easter Egg Hunt.

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