The refreshing wit of Janette McBride - DIRECT LINE by Boy Abunda

It is said that when Janette McBride auditioned as one of the hosts of Talk TV, she had to tag along rumored boyfriend Dominic Ochoa to the auditions. It is also said that when the finalists were trimmed down to the final two, it was her ability to listen and connect to the person she was talking to, that got her the job.

Now, after shining in her portrayal of Dina Bonnevie’s rebellious daughter in Laurice Guillen’s Tanging Yaman, Janette Mc—Bride displays a lot of promise with her spunk and refreshing wit in ABS-CBN’s morning show, Talk TV.

Here’s a conversation I had with this young girl as she talks about traffic, gays, her dream interview and more. Read on.

So what’s keeping you busy nowadays?

Talk TV!
It’s a daily talk show that deals about everything from hard news to showbiz trivia to teen lifestyles. Tin-Tin Bersola and Julius Babao will talk about politics and other heavy stuff while Ryan (Agoncillo) and I will tackle the lighter side of the news.

Why did you want to do a talk show?

I told myself that if I’m going to enter showbiz, I want to do a talk show, as well as act in drama, comedy. I’m young and I want to do everything. So when they offered me to do Talk TV, I said ‘yes’ right away even if I had to audition for it. ’Yun kasi ang pinaka-ayaw ko sa lahat – auditioning. Auditioning makes me feel so small. I would always think that others could do better than me. I know I shouldn’t feel like that but when it comes to auditions, I tremble inside.

How is it working with Julius (Babao) and TinTin (Bersola)?

It’s scary because they’ve been hosting for years now. Acting is different. I mean, I can’t make mistake in hosting. Walang take two. But they give me pointers like they tell me to be myself or not be shy. Everyone’s giving me advice and it’s great.

Speaking of pointers, a newspaper columnist said you should take advice from a fashion expert as to what to wear on the show. Can you comment on this?

Totoo siya! Ha ha!
I know a lot of people who dress well and I’m not one of them. But I’m trying my best. I’m just 17. I’m into fashion just like any other girl but I’m still trying to find a style. I want to look good and I think I’m doing my best to improve not only on fashion but on everything I do. Hopefully I’ll learn soon. I’m willing to learn.

How do you take criticisms like that?

It doesn’t affect me. I don’t wallow on it. Everyone’s entitled to his own opinion. I also say stuff about other people!

In Talk TV, you interview all types of people. But given the chance, who would you want to interview?

I would like to interview Oprah Winfrey and Kris Aquino. They’re the all time queens of talk. No one can beat them. I’d like to interview them kasi they’re always the ones interviewing. I’d like to know what’s inside their heads. And they look fun din di ba?

Do you think your being a talk show host would affect your promising career as an actress?

I don’t think so. I would still like to do both. But being here in the business is a dream come true. Back home in Australia, I would imagine that I were a TV host or an actress. And now, I’m doing both and I would like to do this for the rest of my life.

With your first movie, Tanging Yaman, you received a lot of attention from critics and the moviegoing public. Did you expect this?

No. I thought, ‘Why are so many people writing things about me?’ Being part of the movie was an honor. I mean, you’ve got all these great actors, a great director and all. So when those things started coming out, I was like, ‘Ooh wow! Double the blessings!’ I even got a Best New Actress award for it and I feel so happy about it.

What is your tanging yaman?

God and my family. If it weren’t for them, I wouldn’t be enjoying the blessings I’m receiving right now.

Let’s talk about your Tanging Yaman co-star, Dominic Ochoa. What’s the real score?

We worked together in the movie and in Star Studio. We’re being built as a love team and basically that’s it.

What do you think of him?

We work together well as a team. He’s a really friendly guy. What I like about him is that he’s funny. I love people who make me laugh. He’s a cool person to hang around with. I enjoy his company very much.

What do you miss most about Australia?

My family. Everyone’s there and naiwan ako dito. I also miss the cleanliness, the laid-back atmosphere. Also, back there kasi, no matter what direction you walk, it’s always 30 minutes away from the beach. And I miss relaxing and lounging around!

What’s the first thing that shocked you when you first arrived here in the Philippines?

Traffic! ‘Pag labas ng airport, traffic na! Grabe! Also the humidity! The time na when we got out of the airport, me and my brother weren’t able to breathe for at least three seconds because of the air. It was so thick and sticky! But now I’m cool with it. The Philippines is a great country and I’m enjoying it here.

But what made you decide to pack your bags and fly here to the Philippines?

I’ve always wanted to be in the entertainment business. The first time I came here, it was when I was 13 and people were asking me if I wanted to audition for Ang TV. I had to refuse because I also wanted to finish my studies so I went back to Australia. But when I was already there, I wanted to come back and get into show business. I know in my head that I would live a good life here. So right after finishing my studies, I came back more determined than ever!

How did you land in ABS-CBN Talent Center?

I was watching ASAP live and some staff members approached me if I wanted to audition for Star Circle Batch 8. I agreed and that was it!

So what was your first professional job in showbiz?

It was for Wansapanataym with Dominic. After that, I was tapped for Richard Loves Lucy and I also guested in Tabing Ilog.

What did you do with your first paycheck?

I don’t remember na! But I guess I spent it on clothes?

Someone told me that you’re a fag hag. As in your close friends are gay. Why so?

They’re fun to be with. They’re loud, outspoken. Nakakatuwa sila.

There are a lot of balikbayans who tried showbiz. Some stayed, others got lost. What are you doing to assure your longevity in the business?

Learning Tagalog is important. I took up Tagalog lessons for two months when I got here and I plan to enroll again next week. This time yung mas mahirap pa. A lot of balikbayans refuse to study Tagalog but you have to learn the language if you want to stay long. I have to prove to everyone that I have talent and not just a pretty face. I’m a hard worker.

What’s the best thing about Janette McBride?

My being flexible. I could get along with all kinds of people.

What about the worst thing?

I could be stubborn. Real stubborn. My pride sometimes gets in the way and it takes a lot of time before I apologize to a person.

What do you think is the question that I should have asked you?

Nothing! And I’m starting to feel like I’m auditioning! Ha ha!

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