Creative Cebu Summit kicks off

CEBU, Philippines - About 100 Singaporeans from the creative business industry are in Cebu for a three-day summit from March 16 to 18.

Collaboration among players in the design, arts and tourism industries between Singapore and Cebu is the aim of the summit with its theme, “Generating Ideas: Creative Cebu 2012”.

Governor Gwendolyn Garcia welcomed the delegates yesterday at the Cebu International Convention Center. 

“This summit may provide a venue for future productive partnerships between Cebu and Singapore,” Garcia said in her welcome message. 

 Creative Cebu Summit is also a preparation to “Asia on the Edge” which is held in Singapore annually and is organized by Asian Culture Enterprise Singapore, which seeks to encourage the development of new content from creative industries, beyond exchanging ideas. 

 The first summit outside Singapore, organizers chose Cebu for its position as the creative capital of the Philippines which is reinforced by the strong commitment of the Provincial Government in promoting creative entrepreneurship through the One Cebu Expo. 

 Featured keynote lecturers were also invited for the summit which was also attended by members of the Cebu Chamber of Commerce and Mandaue Chamber of Commerce. 

Fredrik Haren, the author of “The Idea Book”, is one of the speakers who will talk about creativity and improving the quality of the business.

“Pitch it!” is another workshop on business plan pitching by Harry Heng, the Executive Director of Mercatus Capital. 

 “This will help us businessmen and entrepreneurs to improve the quality of our products,” said Prudencio Gesta, the President of Cebu Chamber of Commerce and Industry.  Participants will also have a business matching and networking session. 

 The delegates will also visit the Cebu Provincial Detention and Rehabilitation Center (CPDRC) to witness the performance of the dancing inmates. 

 The Cebu Provincial Government also prepared a “mini Suroy Suroy” for them to appreciate the well-preserved heritage sites and traditions of the south and taste Cebu’s delicacies and unique cuisine. (FREEMAN)

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