Tuburan outbreak fifth typhoid death recorded

CEBU, Philippines - The typhoid outbreak in Tuburan town claimed a fifth life yesterday morning at the Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center in Cebu City.

Integrated Provincial Health Office chief, Dr. Cristina Giango, identified the fatality as Rosalie Gracia, 26, of Barangay Kabangkalan.

But Giango said that based on findings, the victim was also suffering from other illness when she was confined at the hospital like renal disease and kidney disease.

Dr. Renan Cimafranca, chief of the Regional Epidemiological Surveillance Unit of the Department of Health-7, said that there is now a downtrend of the cases but the outbreak is not yet considered contained.

Cimafranca said that if there is a downtrend everyday, the outbreak can be declared controlled within the week.

As of yesterday, 143 patients are still confined at the Tuburan District Hospital out of around a thousand who were treated while less than 40 are in VSMMC.

Cimafranca also said chlorination was already completed yesterday and they are set to conduct random testing for chlorine residue and water calibration of the chlorinator within the week.

Governor Gwendolyn Garcia and brother, Rep. Pablo John Garcia visited the patients at the district hospital again yesterday.

They also distributed rice and canned goods to affected families while the Vice Mayors League of the Philippines led by Toledo City Vice Mayor Arlene Zambo distributed bottled water worth P50,000.

The families of four people who died of the disease also received P5,000 each from the provincial government.

The Toledo City government led by Mayor Aurelio Espinoza also turned over a check worth P200,000 to Tuburan Mayor Democrito Diamante.

"Right now we really need help. We will welcome any help," Diamante said in Cebuano.

In her speech, Governor Garcia emphasized the need to unite regardless of political and territorial distinction.

Diamante, who belongs to Liberal Party, agreed that politics must be set aside first in time of calamities, besides, he said the election is still a long way ahead.

The Garcias assured Diamante of help in the rehabilitation of water system and ordered the inspection of its distribution pipelines.

Diamante said the pipelines were built in the 1920's. — (FREEMAN)

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