"Thief" stabbed dead

CEBU, Philippines - A suspected thief was stabbed dead by a mechanic helper in Barangay Sawang Calero Friday night.

Edwin Balaba, resident of the said place, died of a single stab wound in his back inflicted by Ceciro Elarco, 45. The victim was accused by the suspect of stealing a chain from a boom truck where the latter was assigned to look after it.

Prior to the stabbing incident, Elarco reportedly confronted Balaba about the missing chain from the boom truck but the victim denied any knowledge about it. Trisikad driver Romeo Chan who witnessed the confrontation told the police that Elarco threatened the victim with a kitchen knife.

Chan said he advised the victim to report the incident to the police station where he accompanied the latter. However, at 9:30 p.m. on that same day, the victim together with one Bo Alidon again rode in Chan’s trisikad.

According to Chan, he noticed that the victim was being followed by Elarco who was also riding in another trisikad. Chan said the suspect suddenly stabbed the victim from behind.

The victim tried to run for his life but he later fell on the road. Members of the nearby San Nicolas Police Station immediately responded to the incident and found the victim already dead.

A hot pursuit operation was conducted resulting to the arrest of the suspect.  (FREEMAN)

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