Government officials, employees warned from double pay

CEBU, Philippines -  The committee on public accountability and good government of the Cebu City Council has warned elective and appointive officials and employees against receiving additional compensation on top of what is only authorize by law.

Cebu City Councilor Edgardo Labella issued the warning following an inquiry from a barangay tanod in Kam-puthaw who is also working as job order employee of the City Hall.

Romeo Oljol inquired if he was authorized to receive salary as job order employee of the city government on top of the honorarium he is receiving from Barangay Kamputhaw as tanod.

 “He is paid for his services as such through wages. From this, it is clear that Mr. Oljol is receiving additional or double compensation that is prohibited by law,” Labella said.

Labella said there will be questions if Oljol can render the eight hours duty required of him as tanod and job order employee at the same time. According to Labella, it is already beyond Oljol’s physical capability to render the 16-hours work without compromising the efficiency of his service for both employments.

Labella cited Section 95 of the Local Government Code which states that, “no elective or appointive public officer or employee shall receive additional, double or indirect compensation, unless specifically authorized by law, nor accept without the consent of the Congress, any present emolument, office or title of any kind from any foreign government.”  (FREEMAN)

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