Vengeance eyed in slay of driver

CEBU, Philippines - Police investigators believe revenge triggered an unidentified man to shoot a former trisikad driver dead yesterday morning in sitio Naba, barangay Mambaling, Cebu City.

The victim was identified as Ronilo Ortiz, 32, single and resides at the said place with his father.

Eleno Baclayan, 44, neighbor of Ortiz disclosed that the victim was eating inside their shanty at around 10:30 a.m. when a burst of gunfire was heard. After which, the victim was seen lying bloodied on the ground already lifeless.

Initial body inspection shows the victim sustained a gunshot wound to the right side of his face. No empty shell or a slug was recovered from the scene.

SPO1 Jay Yballe of the Homicide Section of the Cebu City Police Office said the victim’s father, Jose Ortiz, alleged that sometime ago, his son was involved in a stabbing incident.

The victim’s cadaver was later brought to San Fernando Funeral Homes for post mortem examination. — Niña Chrismae G. Sumacot/WAB (THE FREEMAN)

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