A Wonderful Surprise

CEBU, Philippines - Attention, kids! You know what special day is coming this June? You’re right, it’s Fathers’ Day, an important occasion which falls on the third Sunday of June. Kids usually surprise their dads with a present or two. This day also allows parents and their kids to have a special bonding with each other.

We don’t really know how Fathers’ Day came to be, but I’ve read a story from a website.Long ago, a young Babylonian named Elmesu wished his father good health and long life and he wrote it on a clay tablet.

So, kids, what are you planning for your super dad this year?

I will share with you a craft I got from Family Fun website. Here’s a way to surprise your Dad on Father’s Day. It’s easy, fun to make and costs less.

A Pad for Dad

Total time needed: at least 1 hour

Materials: Three sheets of plain letter-size paper; hole punch; thin cardboard


1. Cut three sheets of plain letter-size paper in half lengthwise. Fold the two sets of three sheets in half. Working on one set at a time, punch two holes 3/4-inch in from the fold and the side.

2. Cut two pieces of thin cardboard the same size as the folded white paper, then trim about 1/8-inch from the short ends. Cut a 4 1/4- by 11-inch piece from a brown paper bag, then use glue stick to adhere it to the two cardboard pieces, leaving a small gap between them, as shown. Punch four holes 3/4-inch in from the gap and the side.

3. Fold the brown paper cover around the two sets of white paper. Feed a loop of a 3 1/2-inch rubber band through each hole, and slide a small stick through the loops. Attach newspaper letters to the cover with glue stick.

Hope you have lots of fun with the craft! Also, you can be creative and come up with an idea of your own. Happy Fathers’ Day!!

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