Wellness firm ventures into direct selling

CEBU, Philippines - The promising outlook in the trend of direct selling and the growing interest of customers to earn extra cash through referrals prompted wellness company, Organique Inc., to venture into direct selling, however will not entirely abandon direct retailing.

Organique Inc., a Cebu-based firm that introduces the anti-oxidant drink “Acai Berry”, will launch its direct selling package through an event called “Wellness Event” to be held at the Laguna Garden Restaurant on December 12 in the afternoon.

In an interview yesterday, Organique Inc., vice president Catherine Salimbangon said that the company has decided to offer the distribution of this “miracle drink” through direct selling as users are demanding for big discounts as well as eyeing earnings from referrals.

“We formulated a good program for users and members to earn. It might as well good to share the business with the users,” said Salimbangon.

In the next few days, Organique will be pulling out its Acai Berry juice drinks that are available in Watsons, and other retail outlets, but will retain the Acai Berry capsule form in the retail stores.

Salimbangon believes that venturing into the active direct selling avenue would help push the business further, as the company hopes to end the year with P30 million sales revenue.

Personally endorsed by Oprah Winfrey, the Acai (pronounced ah-sigh-ee) berry, claimed to be one of the most nutritious and healthiest beverages in the world, Salimbangon said.

Manufactured in California, USA, the Acai Premium Blend is from the small grape-sized berry that grows in the Amazon Rainforest of Brazil. Historically, natives of the region have harvested this berry as part of their diet for hundred years.

The manufacturer of Acai Berry is one of the only four certified organic processing companies in California, USA.

Despite the availability of hundreds of juice drink food supplement in the market today, each with strong claims of efficacy, Salimbangon said with less advertising budget, the company was able to register high double-digit growth because of users’ testimonies and word-of-mouth advertising.

On the average, the company is able to dispose 3,000 one-liter bottles a month, via the retail distribution channels, like Watsons, Health Express chains, among others.

Once the company officially sets up its direct selling system, Salimbangon hopes to improve the number of bottle sales a month to at least 10 thousand.

Earlier, the company announced that it is also investing for the expansion of its product lines that includes the Acai Berry capsules, ready-to-drink juice sachet and slimming and whitening soaps.

About P7 million will be poured by the company in this venture, excluding its entry into the direct selling, Salimbangon said.

Unlike other health drink supplements that claim “cure-all” advantage, Salimbagon stressed that Acai on the other hand is only promoting prevention of possible sickness brought about by unhealthy environment, and food intake.

Since the wellness craze is expected to significantly grow in the next few years and for the long term, Salimbangon said its entry into direct selling could also push stronger sales distribution not only in the Philippines, but also in the overseas market. — (FREEMAN)

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