Globe Cordillera Challenge Year 4: Building forest nurseries through biking

MANILA, Philippines - For the fourth consecutive year, hundreds of environment-conscious individuals are expected to challenge the rugged terrain of the Cordillera mountain range through a 65-kilometer biking activity --  this time to raise funds for the building of 30 forest seedling nurseries.

A vital resource area for water that serves the irrigation needs of thousands of hectares of farmland, the Cordillera region was thus the logical choice as the Globe Cordillera Challenge project beneficiary with the assistance of CCT, a non-stock, non-profit organization that provides environmental solutions and sustainable development strategies for the Cordillera mountain region.

Most of Luzon’s major river systems emanate from the Cordillera region which serves as the largest catch basin of rain water in the country.  However, less than 50 percent of its total forest cover remains intact, thus, the decision from Globe to continue its greening campaign to save the massive mountain range from denudation.

“The Cordillera region as a major watershed underscores the importance of the Cordillera mountain range in providing ecosystem services to a large portion of Northern Luzon.  Because of this, we are again conducting the Globe Cordillera Challenge, a fund-raising biking event which has, over the years, enjoyed enormous success in terms of awareness and reaction from the public through their donations,” said Rob I. Nazal, head of Globe corporate social responsibility.

At present, demand for tree seeds and saplings continues to increase, prompting Globe to support the Roots and Shoots Nursery Seedling Program of CCT for the cultivation and propagation of the much-needed plant materials through donations from bikers and concerned citizens.

The project began last year with the establishment of 20 seedling nurseries in various parts of the Cordilleras using the funds received from the Globe Cordillera Challenge cycling event.  During the previous years, however, the donations were used to buy saplings which Globe employees and community volunteers planted in the mountain range.

This time, a total of 300 bikers are expected to join Globe Cordillera Challenge on May 4  which will start and end at Tublay Municipal Hall passing by Ambuklao Dam, with a view of Agno River and Binga Dam.

Although the route is long, it has 100 percent rideable sections by bikers of all skill levels.  The challenge will be on the distance and the almost 3000 meter elevation gain and loss in one day.

Each biker is asked to make a donation of P1,000 although non-bikers are also encouraged to help the cause.

Registration is open to all mountain bikers via the Globe Cordillera Challenge 4 Facebook event page.  Once done, bikers may send their donation through Globe GCash (text DONATE<space>amount<space>CORDI and send to 2882) or deposit the amount to the Cordillera Conservation Trust BDO Account (Account name: Tignayan Para Iti Konserbasyon Ti Kordilyera; Account number – 5180031673).  Scanned copy of the deposit slip with biker’s name may be sent to while confirmation text from GCash with the sender’s name may be forwarded to 0905-4050100. 

Globe Cordillera Challenge 4 is supported by Choose Philippines, Huawei, and Non-Pareil International Freight and Cargo Services, Inc.

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