Court quashes PECO appeal on Iloilo asset expropriation

MANILA, Philippines – A local court has quashed Panay Electric Co.’s appeal to reconsider an earlier order to have its properties expropriated to the new power utility in Iloilo City, as businesses expressed confidence the Razon-led More Electric and Power Corp.  (MORE Power) would continue to provide transparent and reliable service in the area.

In dismissing the petition, Iloilo City Regional Trial Court (RTC) Branch 23 Judge Emerald Requina-Contreras said PECO no longer has a franchise to operate the distribution system and no Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN) issued by the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) to operate.

It cited that MORE Power now has both the franchise and the provisional CPCN.

PECO’s franchise expired on Jan. 19, 2019 as Congress issued the franchise to MORE Power, allowing the latter to take over the power distribution functions in Iloilo City.

In a position paper issued by its executive director Francis Gentoral, the Iloilo Economic Development Foundation (ILEDF) said it is supporting MORE Power’s mission to help promote Iloilo as a preferred investment destination, underscoring the urgency for a world-class electricity service for the city.

The business group said it “is confident that MORE Power remains true to its commitment to provide transparent service and has never shied away from informing the public of the unscheduled power interruptions, their durations and causes.”

ILDEF also said the new power utility supports efforts to address public welfare concerns particularly on eradication of power theft, fire prevention, and overall improvement of services to consumers.

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