Cop held for threat to kill motorbike rider

The victims are a Joyride rider and his passenger. / Irish Lising

MANILA, Philippines — A police official was taken into custody after he allegedly threatened to kill a motorcycle rider in Quezon City yesterday.

The suspect, Capt. Elario Wanawan, 46, who is assigned with the police district mobile force battalion, is under investigation following the incident, which occurred along a street in Barangay Bungad at around 4:10 a.m.

Wanawan, who was drunk according to an investigation report, was driving his motorcycle when he blocked two people who were on another motorbike.

The victims are a Joyride rider and his passenger.

The police official ordered the rider to open the compartment of his motorcycle but the victim refused, which irked the suspect.

“Babarilin kita! Buksan mo (I will shoot you! Open it)!” police quoted Wanawan as saying.

Wanawan repeated the threat when the rider refused for the second time.

Fearing for their lives, the rider obliged and opened the compartment but the police official still prevented him and his passenger from leaving.

Concerned citizens who saw the commotion informed barangay public safety officers, who in turn called the Masambong police station.

Police officers brought Wanawan and the victims to the police station.

It was at the station where police apprehended Wanawan and subjected him to a medical examination and alcohol breath test.

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