What’s your comedy style?

MANILA, Philippines - Comedy is a vast world, one where the truly funny and the punishingly awful exist in one big jalopy. It’s easy to keep up with your faves via Netflix (or less legal means), but that also means that you have way more comedy on-hand than your parents ever did at your age. It blows our mind to think of all that readily information, so to those on the verge of a humor freakout, worry not. This quiz might help you find out if what kind of comedy suits your tastes. Maybe then choosing your Friday night TV special won’t be so hard to do.

You’re a real classy dude in a world of dudebros and broskies. You know the ins and outs of every super club in town, the Topman sales people know you by name, and you’ve never met a craft beer you didn’t like. Your future homeboy Aziz is just as cool, with the right amount of softie-ness that makes the baes giggle. You will likely marry a girl who knows all your favorite ‘90s RnB singers, because who wouldn’t?

Check out: Parks & Recreation, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, and Happy Endings

Um, why is everyone so obsessed with you? We don’t know either. Just like Mindy Kaling, you’re a nice girl who doesn’t like getting pushed around. Your idea of a worst nightmare is waking up to find your worst enemy’s Twitter account has been verified. It’s okay, when the chips are down, you known that potato chips will always be there to back you up.

Check out: The Mindy Project, Vicious, and Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt

After years of bad yearbook photos, you put them all together into a weird art collage… that was probably really good that it won a prize. You’re a weirdo — a lovable one — and you should totally own it. Much like Tina, you don’t mind a little edgy humor, because it takes more than the average Juanita to keep up. Let that freak flag fly, dude.

Check out: 30 Rock, Broad City, and Flight of the Conchords

You’re barely into your 20s, but you act like you’re pushing 40. Your idea of a good time is drinking whisky (of a certain age) and buying socks when you’ve finally run out. You’re not sure why slapstick humor has gone out of style, because there’s nothing like a Dumb and Dumber marathon to get your funny bone going. You’d worry about being judged, but seriously, you DGAF.

Check out: Louie, The Simpsons, and Silicon Valley

Art by Maine Manalansan

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