Anne Curtis’ fitness tip: One cheat meal weekly

MANILA, Philippines - The “Princess of All Media” Anne Curtis can do almost everything — from acting, to hosting, to singing, and to buying anything. On top of all that, she has the kind of charm to make you go gaga.

With the numerous roles she has to fill, you might wonder how she’s able to keep her body fit and healthy. At the Century Tuna Superbods 2014 press conference, Anne reveals that the campaign is a great way for her to achieve such a body. “When I found out that there was going to be a Superbods again for 2014, it got me back on track, na okay, I got to be determined again. I got to start working out ... Balik-alindog program ... So, I think that’s what’s great about Superbods. It gives everyone that kind of kick-start na, ‘Oo nga pala, malapit na ang summer.’ We have to start getting our bikini bodies ready and just to want to live a healthier and fit lifestyle,” Anne says.

This year, apart from the Superbods contest, which is open to males and females between 18-35 years old, Century Tuna launches the Superbods Super Challenge. Now you can join Anne in achieving the beach-perfect body with the six-week Superbods diet and workout plan, which is readily available on their website. The Superbods diet consists of 150 recipes specially designed by nutritionist-to-the-stars, Nadine Tengco. On the other hand, prominent fitness trainer, coach Jim Saret, prepared the two-phase workout plan.

Doing this diet and workout plan is the newest endorser and a super challenger himself, John Lloyd Cruz. Together with him are other challengers, namely DJs Slick Rick, Tony Toni and Sam YG from the Boys Night Out.

To inspire you to accept this challenge, here are some pieces of advice and reminders from Century Tuna’s ambassador herself, Anne Curtis:

PHILIPPINE STAR: What specific diet plan do you follow?

ANNE CURTIS: Well, Nadine did come up with a meal plan for Century Tuna. For me, it is a healthy mix of a little bit of everything.  You do not feel so deprived naman.  Earlier for breakfast today, I had rice with shrimp and tuna. So, you don’t feel na parang so kawawa naman. It is nothing like that. You can still work out with a diet plan, which is very good. I tried several other diets before. I tried the South Beach. I’ve tried the gluten-free and everything, but there’s no carbs in that so you can’t really work out. That’s what’s good about the Century Tuna diet, and it’s working for me and it is yummy.

What is the biggest no-no for this kind of diet plan?

I think definitely going on a no-carb diet and then working out. That’s definitely a no-no because you’ll get faint. You feel weak. You need at least some sort of energy to keep you going.

Everyone has their weakness. What food tempts you to break your diet?

Potatoes!  Anything potato: French fries, baked potato, potato chips.

What, then, is your advice for people giving in to their cravings?

Last year, I was having a cheat weekend and then, when I got back from       Canada, I decided to have one cheat day, which is a Sunday. When I started to get really serious, I had one cheat meal on a Sunday. So, from having a cheat day, I cut it down to just one cheat meal.

What part of your body are you proudest of?

Proud of? ‘Baa yaan  (laughs). I think my upper abs. Naks! (laughs)  Because you work hard for it. That is something to be proud of ’cause it is hard. It is so hard.  What I’m working on is the lower abs. Apparently it takes maybe a year for that to come out.

What part of your body do you wish you could alter?

My thighs (laughs).

Everyone seems to admire you.  What is your best beauty secret?

Just be happy. You know, ups and downs will come in your life. Mistakes will happen, but I think the key is just that you move on, and you realize that life is beautiful, so just keep on enjoying it and living in the moment.

Screening for the Century Tuna Superbods contest will be held at SM City Iloilo Activity Center on March 9 and at SM Mall of Asia Music Hall on March 16.  Visit for the Superbods diet and workout plan.

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