Speaker hits senators’ ‘very toxic rhetoric’ vs House

MANILA, Philippines — Speaker Martin Romualdez yesterday hit back at senators, asking them to “just focus on their jobs instead of attacking the lower chamber.”

“I hope our friends in the Senate, instead of talking about unnecessary things, such as people’s initiative, Resolution of Both Houses, they can just finish their jobs like the LEDAC and SONA priorities,” Romualdez told reporters, lamenting what he described as the “very toxic rhetoric” of the Senate against the House.

“Just focus on your job. They keep on minding us just because we are doing our jobs,” he said.

Romualdez had reported 100 percent approval of Legislative-Executive Development Advisory Council (LEDAC) legislation in September 2023, three months ahead of target.

On the other hand, the State of the Nation Address priority measures of the President were approved by the chamber six months in advance.

“So let’s focus on our work, get down to work, buckle down, there’s just 24 of you. Get your act together; focus. Focus on your work. And stop hitting Congress and maintain parliamentary courtesy,” he pointed out.

Romualdez also reiterated the House’s continued support to the President.

He added that the chamber is “working hard towards realizing the common legislative agenda of the executive and legislative branches.” 

Vice President Sara asked: Be specific

The Speaker also asked Vice President Sara Duterte to be specific on her claims that he was attacking administration allies.

Romualdez said that he had no idea what Duterte was referring to in a recent interview with reporters about the status of their relationship.

“On my part, I have not attacked any ally of this administration. I do not know what she’s talking about,” he told reporters.

The Speaker underscored that he respects Duterte as the Vice President and secretary of education. “She has my full support. I don’t know what I have said or done to attack her. Please identify those actuations if any,” he noted.

Romualdez also described as “baseless” the accusation of Sen. Imee Marcos that he is “definitely” behind the people’s initiative campaign to change the Constitution, and that the Speaker’s office is offering P20 million to each district in exchange for pro-people’s initiative signatures.

“That is baseless, maybe she is listening to Marites,” he said, referring to the slang term for rumor monger.

Romualdez asked Marcos to prove her accusation and to file the appropriate charges in the Comelec or in any appropriate court.

“Prove it because there are many Marites in the Senate, a lot of speculations. Let’s leave it up to them. Always saying that I am talking to the madam senator. I hardly get to speak to the good senator, my good cousin,” he said.

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