UN alarmed by damage to hospitals in Cebu

CEBU, Philippines - The United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction Office for Disaster Risk Reduction is alarmed over the report that at least three hospitals in Cebu suffered major damage when the earthquake hit last Tuesday.

This prompted UNISDR champion Sen. Loren Legarda to plea for stronger enforcement of building regulations.

“We need safe schools and hospitals and it is clear from this disaster event that we do not always have them,” said Legarda in a statement.

She recommended to conduct a country-wide risk evaluation of all schools and hospitals as part of the UNISDR Safe Schools and Hospitals campaign in order to take immediate action to ensure that these important community assets are fully disaster-proof.

Legarda said that the number of casualties would have been much greater if it were not for the fact that many schools did not have classes because there was a national holiday.

“It is alarming that at least three hospitals in Cebu suffered major damage and that in one case patients and staff were trapped inside the building,” Legarda said.

“We all know that the most expensive hospital is the one that collapses so we must make every effort in the future to ensure that earthquake-proof building regulations are enforced,” she added. — (FREEMAN)

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