Ice, may karaoke session sa concert

Ice Seguerra

Unang gabi ngayon ng inaabangang Videoke Hits with Ice Seguerra.

Babasagin nga ni Ice ang kumbaga, traditional concert na manonood lang ang audience.

This time, hindi lang sila uupo, kakanta rin sila.

Yes, pangako nga ni Ice na isa itong unforgettable event for music lovers.

 “This concert is really close to my heart. We’re stripping down the barriers — it’s not just me performing hits; it’s us, together, creating a moment. Everyone’s part of the process, from picking the songs to singing along. There’s this unique segment I’m excited about — ‘Ice-fied’ songs, giving hits a fresh twist. Imagine your favorite songs reborn, making you fall in love as if it’s the first listen.”

Malaki nga ang pagkakaiba ng diskarte ni Ice sa concert na ito sa mga nagawa na niya, na binibigyang-diin ang pagiging exclusive participation ng audience. “It’s a collaborative effort. This time, the audience isn’t just watching; they’re shaping the show. From deciding the lineup to being part of the actual performance, it’s a collective experience. This model gives a new meaning to live performances, making each song, each moment, special.”

Ang magkakaibang setlist spans various genres and eras, promising something for everyone. “It’s incredible how music, despite its diversity, speaks a universal language,” Ice reflects on the challenge of coherence amidst variety.

Ang concept ng Videoke Hits originated ay galing kay Liza Diño, wife ni Ice, na aniya ay bagong approach naman sa live performances. “It all started with Liza’s vision; that was the catalyst. From there, we engage in brainstorming, building upon that initial spark. In collaboration with our creative team, we refine and expand the idea. It’s this collective synergy that distinguishes each show, ensuring we remain faithful to the original vision while venturing into new territories,” paliwanag ni Ice kung paano nabuo ang ganitong kosepto.

Meron pa ulit bukas, Saturday, May 11, for tickets and more details, visit Ticket World or contact Fire and Ice Live at 0917.542.0303. 

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