Binay camp belies allegations of poll fraud

MANILA, Philippines – If there was cheating in the country’s first automated elections last May 10, it did not come from the camp of vice-presidential candidate and Makati City Mayor Jejomar Binay, a spokesman said today.

"I can't say that there was no cheating during the elections but it did not come from us," said Lito Anzures, Binay's spokesman.

He denied claims that the Binay camp has employed a mind-conditioning scheme, instead pointing to other groups such as the Liberal Party of Binay’s closest rival Sen. Mar Roxas.

"We have no COCs (certificates of canvass). (But the LP was already) announcing that they have won by this much votes," Anzures said.

In the latest count of the Commission on Elections, Binay leads Roxas in the vice-presidential race by as much as 800,000.

But LP stalwarts insisted that Roxas will be winning by 137,000 votes when all the COCs have been counted.

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