Philippine Native Plants

MANILA, Philippines - Scientific name: Colocasia formosana

Family: Araceae

Local name: wild gabi (Engl)

Distribution: Newly recorded in the Phlippines: Mountain Province, Ifugao, Bontoc. Also found in Taiwan at 1000 to 1800m above sea level.

Description: Evergreen herbs with corm, sometimes stoloniferous. Leaves broad ovate to ovate-cordate, or almost rounded, margin entire, green, 25-40 cm long, 20-25 cm broad, peltate; petiole green. Inflorescences in axil, peduncle 20-30 cm long. Spathe white, oblong, convolute, apex acuminate, distinct constricted; spadix 13-15 cm long; Flowers unisexual, female portion green, sterile portion slender, male portion white; appendix about 3 cm long. Fruit oblong, orange; seeds many.

Conservation Notes: This species is confused with the wild form of the common gabi (Colocasia esculenta). It can be distinguished by its larger size, more rounded, peltate lamina, upper surface yellow green, not velvety. It is confined to high elevation areas such as in the Mountain Province and Ifugao and found in ponds or along streams. It is locally abundant but the plant is not eaten by the local people.

For further information please contact D.A. Madulid, Botany Division, National Museum, P.Burgos St., P.O.Box 2659, Manila. Email:

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