Lim backs fight vs human trafficking

Manila Mayor Alfredo Lim yesterday pledged full support to the Stop Trafficking and Exploitation of People Through Unlimited Potential (or STEP-UP) project launched Monday at the Asilo de San Vicente de Paul.

Lim said the project is in collaboration with the Visayan Forum Foundation Inc. and Microsoft Unlimited Potential and Asilo de San Vicente de Paul aimed to wage a war against human trafficking and exploitation, especially of those from developing nations, through increased education and awareness of the people.

“As everybody knows, projects and organizations like STEP-UP are my priority.  Republic Act 9208 or the Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act of 2003 sets penalties to human trafficking but the government cannot stop this problem without the support of the private sector. That is why this project is really a big help,” Lim said in a statement.

Lim said human trafficking is now a global problem where millions of victims are forced into prostitution or slave labor under sub-human working conditions.

The government has measures to fight human trafficking and exploitation. But many still fall prey because of poverty, lack of job opportunities, conflict in Muslim Mindanao and the inability of children to continue going to school.  Hence, this project is a welcome step in preventing this crime, Lim said. – Sandy Araneta

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