Count Your Blessings


January isn’t even over yet and already I feel like it’s the middle of the year. Maybe it’s because of all the things I’ve been doing, or the stuff that I haven’t done but want to do.

Maybe it’s because most of the days in January have been more full for me than the previous months -- busy with to-do lists for homeschooling-related tasks, work obligations and sideline writing projects. (Sadly, although blogging should be included in those to-do lists, I haven’t gotten around to updating my blog lately.)

Or maybe it’s because I’m getting bigger and heavier, and getting stuff done is proving to be more tiring as I’d like it to be  (as of this writing, I’m around six and a half months pregnant).

Don’t get me wrong though -- I’m not complaining.

In fact, I’m feeling very, very blessed now.

January hasn’t even ended yet, but my family and I have been experiencing grace after grace after grace.

Personally, too, I have been receiving so many blessings -- as a wife, mother, writer and blogger.

My husband and I celebrated our seventh wedding anniversary earlier this month. I discovered, yet again, that when it comes to marriage, it’s the little things that matter. I realize now, more than ever, how blessed I am to be married to my husband, my partner, my best friend.

This month, I learned to find more joy and peace in my days as a homeschooling mom. I’m learning to let go of my personal agenda and just focus on letting our kids be and thrive and grow and learn. Yes, we try to follow a schedule or routine, but on the days when we can’t or don’t, I try not to stress too much about it.

I was also able to recall the blessings of my childhood and the wonderful legacy that my parents have passed on to my siblings and me. It is a beautiful thing to be able to trace our roots, remember our past and learn from it, and move forward, hoping for better things for our own kids.

As a writer, I have been blessed so far to learn so many new things, some of which I learned directly from the Bo Sanchez himself, one of my “idol” authors and inspirational speakers.

I’m also blessed that I will be able to attend the “It’s a WAHMderful Life: Real Ways to be a WAHM” workshop this weekend, a learning event that I know I will benefit greatly from!

I have also been blessed with new projects -- aside from my regular job -- all of which contribute so much to our family’s daily needs (and sometimes, wants, too!) and to our “baby” fund.

As a blogger, I feel blessed to have been able to define (though I’m not done yet) what I want to do with my blog, in line with my “one word for 2013,” which is {IN} COURAGE.  I hope to inspire and encourage other people through what I have to say/write, on the blog and elsewhere.

When I think about it now, there are actually so many other blessings -- big and small -- to be grateful for. One of them is the privilege of writing this post. And having you read it. I’m no expert on family and parenting, yet I get to share what I can with you. That in itself is a great blessing.

What about you, friend?

What are the blessings you’ve received so far?

You may not be able to see them at times, or maybe you don’t even realize that you’ve been blessed this month, but I encourage you to try and count your blessings. For it is in knowing that we are blessed that we will be able to share our blessings with others, especially with those who need it the most, like the victims of the most recent floods in Mindanao.

May all of us learn to count our blessings daily, and teach our children (if we have any) to do the same!

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