Bill amending GSIS law up for debate in the Senate

MANILA, Philippines -  A bill proposing amendments to the law creating the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) to enable it to promptly and effectively respond to the needs of its 1.68 million members, pensioners and beneficiaries is up for plenary consideration in the Senate.

Sen. Ralph Recto, chairman of the Senate committee on government corporations and enterprises, collaborated with the Senate committee on civil service and government reorganization of Sen. Antonio Trillanes IV; Senate committee on education, arts and culture of Sen. Edgardo Angara; Senate committee of local government of Sen. Ferdinand Marcos Jr. and Senate committee on finance of Sen. Franklin Drilon in crafting the consolidated version of at least 20 proposed measures aimed at improving the services of GSIS.

Recto said the proposal also seeks to cut down red tape in collecting claims and put in place a more responsive and accountable GSIS board.

He said a “landmark” provision of the bill is the first ever “Rights of GSIS Members” which mandates the state-run pension agency to be expeditious in processing claims; courteous and responsive; regularly update members on GSIS benefits and afford aggrieved members the “right to be heard.”

The elderly, disabled and seriously-ill members of the GSIS will also be given special access lanes and assured of leniency in the submission of documents; priority in the processing/releasing of claims and benefits; and preference in the dissemination of important information.

“With these rights, no member of GSIS would sail into the sunset feeling bitter, empty and shortchanged by the same agency that they helped keep afloat through their monthly contributions,” Recto said in a statement yesterday.

Recto said any official or unit of the GSIS flouting the rights of GSIS members faces legal and administrative sanctions.

He said the bill also seeks a revamp of the GSIS board to take in two new members - the secretary of the Department of Education (DepEd) and chairman of the Civil Service Commission (CSC), to strengthen the ranks of government workers in the board.

The GSIS board is currently comprised of the GSIS president/general manager, president of the Philippine Public School Teachers Association (PPSTA) or the president of the Philippine Association of School Superintendents, two representing government employees, four from banking, finance and insurance sectors, and one lawyer member of GSIS.

Recto said the presence of the DepEd secretary and CSC chair in the GSIS board should ensure the prompt delivery of services and benefits to teachers, the largest bloc of members, and provide greater voice to other civil servants through the stewardship of the CSC chief.

The measure also removes the prescriptive period of four years for all members to file their benefits or claims.

Recto said the consolidated version likewise slaps a penalty of 2 percent interest for every month that GSIS fails to release retirement benefits due to a member.

“The penalty would keep the GSIS on its toes and ever vigilant on the primacy of timely delivery of benefits and claims,” he said.

It also sets a limit of 5 percent on the GSIS funds that could be invested abroad to shield the pension fund from global financial upheavals and channel the funds to domestic investment.

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