Law and Order & Heroes on SOLARtv

MANILA, Philippines –  Detectives Stabler and Beck investigate a car accident involving two foster children. The accident leads the detectives to the foster parents and some questionable medical practices involving controversial “rebirthing” therapy.

As the detectives dig deeper into the case, they discover other gruesome secrets involving the children. After one of the foster children, Eden (Elle Fanning) sets the drapes in Beck’s living room on fire, attempting to murder Beck and commit suicide, Beck says goodbye to Stabler and Special Victims Unit.

The episode is based on the Attachment Therapy controversy and the Gravelle.

Watch Law and Order Thursday nights at 8 on SOLARtv.

Peter has trouble coping with Nathan’s death as Claire tries to console him. Sylar returns to the Carnival to kill Samuel, only to discover something unexpected. Edgar and Noah team up to find a way of bringing down Samuel.

After escaping from the carnival, Edgar attempts to kill Noah Bennet in a rage, though Noah stops him with a taser. Keeping him in a freezer to slow down his heart rate and prevent him from escaping, Noah begins to interrogate him about the carnival. Edgar doesn’t reveal much, but Lauren suggests he stop torturing him and simply try talking with him. Noah suggests they work together to stop Samuel Sullivan, to which Edgar finally agrees and gives him detailed information about the Carnival layout.

At Nathan Petrelli’s wake, Peter Petrelli and Claire talk about how their elders, Angela Petrelli and Noah, had always lied to them, including Nathan’s death. Angela is worried that Peter’s grief may cause him to get himself harmed, and urges Claire to help him deal with Nathan’s death.

Sylar returns to the carnival, confronting Samuel over what he plans to do with all the people with abilities he has been collecting. Samuel reveals to Sylar that he loved a woman, Vanessa, though she lives outside the carnival and Samuel is afraid that she won’t accept him for who he really is. Sylar wonders if he is meant to stay or not, and decides to let the ink show. The tattoo on Sylar’s arm is revealed to be that of Claire, and the episode ends with Sylar watching Claire through her dorm window.

Heroes  airs Tuesday nights at 10.


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