Consumer education to become part of high school curriculum

Consumer education would soon be included in the high school curriculum of public and private schools to educate the young about their rights and responsibilities as consumers.

The Department of Education and the Department of Trade and Industry have already signed a memorandum of agreement for the implementation of this program.

DepEd said that the National Consumers Affairs Council would also be a partner in this endeavor adding that the program complies with Article 154 of Chapter II of the Consumer Welfare Act of the Philippines.

Education Secretary Jesli Lapus said DepEd will integrate “consumerism” in social studies, values education, mathematics, science, MAPEH, technical and livelihood education, English and Filipino subjects.

“It is necessary that we instill in the minds of our students the laws covering service warranties, complaints, counterfeiting, and even intellectual property so they will know their responsibilities and privileges as consumers,” Lapus said in an order that he issued.

As such, the DepEd along with the DTI and the NCAC conducted a Consumer Education Teachers’ Exemplar Writeshop to 70 master teachers, chiefs of secondary divisions and regional education supervisors in regions 1, 8, 10 and 11, and the National Capital Region.

The writeshop participants likewise integrated savings consciousness in teachers’ guides and product standards and concepts in teachers’ lesson plans for the different subject areas.

A copy of the Consumer Education Teachers’ Exemplar drafted during the writeshop was presented to Lapus and Trade Secretary Peter Favila during the opening of the Consumer Welfare Month last October 1. — Jasmin R. Uy/RAE

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