Want to be vegetarian? Join the club

CEBU, Philippines - Wanting to be vegetarian but having a hard time following the discipline?

This could be your lucky day as a group of vegetarian advocates in Cebu City have decided on coming up with a support group for would-be vegetarians, with the aim of not just helping each other maintain the discipline but also of informing people on the value of this healthy diet.

Together with the opening of the Cebu Lodge of the Theosophical Society of the Philippines last February 5, is the announcement of the formation of a Vegetarian Club.

Lovorn Ang, president of the Cebu Lodge of the Theosophical Society said: “The group will continuously share ideas and make a mark – create noise that there is such a thing as a Vegetarian Club.”

He added that one of the activities that the Vegetarian Club would be having is to educate people that their backyard can be a great source of superior food like malunggay and okra.

Personally, I found the news to be refreshing. Having constantly failed on my efforts, I know how difficult it can be to turn vegetarian in the Philippines.

The Filipino diet is laden with meat and grease that people just find it ridiculous to live on vegetables alone. I was aghast to learn that even one of the oldest and most respected Catholic universities in the city is teaching their culinary students that vegetables are only for side dishes and cannot be made into a main course!

This idea is prevalent in our culture. In fact, the absence of vegetable in one’s diet is a common thing for us. One would even be more concerned if there was no meat on the table.

This way of thinking is one of the contributing factors why it is hard, or even unthinkable, for one to be vegetarian. For this reason, I realized that if I really am resolved to becoming vegetarian I have to cook my own food and stop relying on restaurants, cafeterias, or eateries.

Aside from cooking what one eats, being with like-minded people would also be a great help in one’s effort to becoming vegetarian. The Vegetarian Club at the Theosophical Society would be a great boost to one’s efforts.

The opening of the Cebu Lodge of the Theosophical Society, however, was not only highlighted by the formation of the Vegetarian Club. A Yoga Club and a poetry group were also formed.

Ang revealed that one’s the lodge’s schedules are finalized, the lodge will be abuzz with activities from the Vegetarian Club, the Yoga Club, the poetry group, and even for the Theosophical Society itself.

Curious on what it takes to be vegetarian? Join the club.

The Cebu Lodge of the Theosophical Society is located on the second floor of Zayka Restaurant along Juana Osmeña St., Cebu City.

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